Well, this is my last day in Jeddah, and tomorrow I'm on my way to Bahrain, inshallah.
I had some time at the hotel, and since they have very good high speed in-room internet, and I got my laptop, I fired up Ubuntu, got the latest NetBeans loaded and upgraded, and fixed an outstanding issue with JSyntaxPane. So now, it is bug free :-)
I am pretty impressed with your diligence towards the JSyntaxPane project. In your footsteps, I have also started a new project on http://code.google.com/p/db2object/ to facilitate better database manipulation in Java programmes. I would definitely be using your syntax highlighting utility in any GUI code that I use to manipulate SQL.
Love the new SQL lexers. Kindly tell me if I can be of help to the project or not.
Thanks for the comments! You are welcome to join as member, tester, any help can be useful. We also have a mailing list that subwiz kindly setup for us.
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