Thursday, October 05, 2006

Genetic Algorithms with Ruby

I was very excited when Shark Hunter presented his first session on AI. He started with Genetic Algorithms. The idea that a solution "magically" evolves is fascinating. All you need to do is present your candidate solutions as a sequence "chromosome" of some objects "genes", then assign a fitness to each chromosome, then mimic nature by mating and mutating the population. Eventually "life finds a way", and solution is found.

One of the nice sites with demos is here.

So I thought this will be a very cool exercise to practice my newly acquired Ruby skills. It took me a few hours to come up with a simple "framework" to represent a general GA.

I will keep updating my GA framework and add more tools and functionality to it. Ultimately I want to be able to modify my sub Chromosome class only, and just add a fitness method, then fire my simulation and let the search begin.

Basically the framework consists of a Chromosome class, and a Population Class.

The Chromosome Class

This class represents a Base Chromosome. It is basically a sequence of genes that have a fitness, and possibly represent a certain value. The Base class knows how to marry, or crossover. The Base class crossover is a single point, and no mutation is done. A subclass will be created that can have two crossover points. The framework is still in very early stages, and will be re-factored. But basically, that is all there is to it.

The Population Class

This class represents a Population of Chromosomes. It holds the entire population and is responsible for Selection and Generating offsprings. The Base class does a simple Roulette Wheel Selection based on a fitness value. To make the initial code simple, the fitness value must be higher for fitter solutions. So, a chromosome of fitness = 10 will be 10 times likely to be selected that a chromosome with fitness = 1.


I did not create any classes for genes. I wanted to make things simple, so the sequence itself will represent any kind of genes. It is tested as a Strings in this initial version. The main thing is finding a way to represent the fitness of the chromosome. I will see if representing binary numbers, integers as sequences, or real numbers will require any changes in the sequence attribute or require the creation of a Gene class. But since Ruby is so dynamic, I doubt this will be needed.

The Code

Anxious to see the code and try it out? Drop my a line, and I will send it to you or publish the current version somewhere. It is still in very early stages, but works for simple problems.


Crantea Mihaita said...

Have you ever posted this somewhere?

Ayman said...

I have not, and it's been a while. Sorry, not much memories of this anymore.

Just Google it!